- Every Sunday Liturgy commences at 10:00am
- First Saturday of each month 6:00pm Vespers in English followed by a short lecture in the School Hall
- If you are celebrating Slava please contact Fr Sasa to make arrangements.
16th Sunday Liturgy at 10am
23rd Sunday Liturgy at 10am
30th Sunday Liturgy at 10am
5th Saturday 6pm Spiritual and Humanitarian Evening with our Parish Choir.
Presentation of film „”Your love and my disobedience” by the organisation „Serbs for Serbs“. Presentation by Luka Crnogorski from the Metropolitanate of Montenegro.
In addition an exhibition of the Dukedom and Kingdom of Montenegro. A selection of photographs, traditional dress and medals and Royal orders. All Welcome
6th Sunday Liturgy at 10am
7th ANNUCIATION Monday Liturgy 9am
12th Saturday Saturday of Lazarus „VRBICA“ Liturgy at 9am Followed by Vespers at 6pm. Traditional Procession around the Church especial significance for our children who will willow branches celebrating Christ Entrance into Jerusalem
13th Sunday PALM SUNDAY Liturgy at 10am
16th HOLY WEDNESDAY each year on Holy Wednesday a special service of consecrating Holy Oil which is used for the sick or as nourishment. This year this this service will take place at our Parish commencing at 7pm
17th HOLY THURSDAY Liturgy at 9am
The Great Vigil and reading of the 12 Gospels of the suffering of Christ commencing at 6pm
18th GREAT AND HOLY FRIDAY reading of the Royal Hours at 10am. Preparation of Christ Tomb at 12noon
Great and Holy Vespers at 6pm
After the service will will prepare Easter Eggs in the school hall especially for the children of our Parish
19th GREAT AND HOLY SATURDAY Liturgy 9am, followed by at Midnight 12pm we will celebrate the RESURRECTION MATINS
21st EASTER MONDAY Monday Liturgy at 9am
22nd EASTER TUESDAY NO Service at our Parish. However, the Sydney Deanery will hold a service at the Parish of St Archangel Michael Homebush commencing at 10am
27th Sunday Liturgy at 10am
4th Sunday Liturgy at 10am
6th May the feast of St George Liturgy at 9am. Cutting of Slava Cakes will be at 6am and 8am
11th Sunday Liturgy at 10am
12th Monday Feast of St Basil of Ostrog
18th Sunday Liturgy at 10am
25th Sunday Liturgy at 10am
29th Thursday Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ
31st Saturday KRAJINA EVENING – LIKA DINNER DANCE celebrating the traditions, music and food of Krajina. Local singers and our folk dancing groups will perform. Entry $30. Food and beverages available at additional cost.
2nd Sunday Liturgy at 10am
9th Sunday Liturgy at 10am
16th Sunday Liturgy at 10am
23rd Sunday PENTECOST Liturgy at 10am
28th VIDOVDAN St Tsar Lazarus of Serbia NO service at our Parish. A service will be held at St Lazarus Alexandria
30th Sunday Liturgy 10am
For those families who bless their homes during Great Lent commencing 16th March. For those celebrating St George blessing of home commences in the month of April.
Please refer to Church Calendar 2025 here
On Saturday the 25th May the Gala Dinner in support of our folkloric group. Click on the link to view photographs Sv Sava Gala Dinner 25 May 2024 – Google Drive
Blessing of homes and Slava contact Fr Sasha for details.
Information If you need help click on the Information Tab Information
2024 we celebrated our 75th Anniversary of the establishment of the First Serbian Orthodox Church in Australia. A commemorative medallion was created to celebrate this jubilee. Medallions are available at Church.
Photo of our Church Interior Photo by Liz Ham
DRONE FOOTAGE video on YouTube
Special thanks to Brendan Abbott from IMPACT AERIALS, who filmed and designed a short video clip on our Church. Also, technical assistance by Jeffrey Wang and Simeon Lukich. Great job Brendan! If you need Drone footage for your next video project please contact Brendan at IMPACT AERIALS 0400 286886.
ARCHIVE Sermons and Lectures
Bible Studies – In an effort to improve our spiritual growth we include weekly sermons from Sunday Liturgy. Please read and pass on to others. Sermons are in English and Serbian.
St Sava – A Nobleman in Christ
32nd week after Pentecost Sermon 32
Sunday after Theophany
Prior to Theophany
28th week after Pentecost Sermon 28
27th week after Pentecost Sermon 27
26th week after Pentecost